Monday Night, 8/07/2006

Tonight, Chris & Kab attended Troop 1814's Troop Meeting where Assistant Scoutmaster Mr. Van Vliet taught a Disabilities Awareness Class meant to demonstrate exactly what the name says...  Mr. Van Vliet did an absolutely marvelous job of teaching the Scouts what it is like to have a disability...


Let's get started...


I don't know what this was for, but maybe Mr. Van Vliet will email me and let me know...  :-)


One of each pair is "non-sighted" and must be led through the obstacle course by the other...


On to the next lesson...


A break in the lessons for a little basketball game...


How it feels to have someone else feed you...


OK, to move on here...


Let's talk about persons in wheelchairs...


Mr. Van Vliet thoroughly enjoyed the Aspley Guise Scouts...