Monday, 8/07/2006

Today, Chris and Kab awoke (ok, with some prodding) around 7:30 AM...  We had a breakfast that was simple for the Host Phillips Family involving Micro waved Ham & Egg pastries and Mexican Breakfast Taquitos, and amazingly raved over by both Chris & Kab...

After reviewing the Web Pages showing what the Aspley Guise Scouts have been doing for the past 2 weeks (with much laughter and enthusiasm), we headed out for Hollyweird...


Arrival as close to the sign as legally allowed...  Yes, Mitchell is tall, but he was cheating by standing on the curb...


The "Walk of Fame"


Hollywood Wax Museum...


More Walk of Fame


Mann's-Grumman's Chinese Theatre...


Tom Cruise Footprints...


Nicholas Cage...


Eddie Murphy...


Harrison Ford...


Donald Duck...


The Front of the Theatre...


Tom Cruise's Star...


Jimmy Stuart...


Venice Beach...


Mugging it up for the Camera...


A local artist (oddly, he was very good!)...

After a long ride home (1-1/2 hours plus), we had a home Troop Meeting...  Photos to come...