Tuesday, 8/08/2006
Today, Chris and Kab awoke (with no prodding today) around 7:30 AM... We had a breakfast that consisted of cereal and fruit, during which Mitch made lunch sandwiches and inquired about sandwich ingredient likes and dislikes...
After checking backpack contents for sunscreen, lunch (and snacks found while ransacking the pantry) & water bottles frozen overnight, we headed out on the 20 minute drive to the original Disneyland... An eventless ride later found the boys receiving check-in instructions from Steve along with other random announcements...
Mr. Phillips (Don) chose not to chase the boys around the Park after recalling his attempts from two years ago when he watched the Aspley Guise Scouts leave him in the dust seconds after entering the gates... But, before he drove away these photos were taken...
Line up for the Monorail ride into the Park...
That's Greg in the Red pants and Hat...
And That's Mitch next to Greg...
OK, Security Check...!!!
"Are you carrying a bomb, or other terrorist device?"
OK... OK... OK... So they were admitted to the Park after all...!!!
And this is the end of their Disney Night... Alive and well...
OK, check in tomorrow for more...